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Botanacor offers a variety of cannabinoid potency tests to suit your unique business needs. Need help with choosing the right potency test? We’ve got you covered.

First, decide if you are testing a plant, concentrate or a finished product.

Hemp Plant vs Concentrate vs Finished Product

And then answer these three simple questions:

1. For plants, are you testing to ensure regulatory compliance?

Hemp Plant Compliance vs R&D Testing

If yes, be sure to opt for our USDA Dry Weight Potency test. Otherwise, you can opt for Standard Potency or Dry Weight Potency tests.

2. Thinking about all of your cannabinoids combined, what percentage of your concentrate sample is cannabinoids?

Hemp Concentrate Cannabinoid Percentage

If less than 40% cannabinoids, use Standard Potency test. If more than 40% cannabinoids, consider the expected THC levels. For samples with expected THC levels ≤ 0.01%, use Broad Spectrum, and for samples with expected THC levels ≤ 0.3%, use Full Spectrum.

3. If you are testing a finished product, does it contain less than 40% cannabinoids?

Hemp Finished Product

If yes, choose Standard Potency test. Trace THC Potency test can also be used to verify and support “T-Free” label claims.

If you need further clarification, contact us or email today.